
no surname

The tomb of Salvestro di Mico di Jacopo carried a coat of arms, but it was too ruined for Rosselli to make out.

Alternate Names

  • Mico a

Heraldry Information

arms of unknown colors and forms

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? no
Ceramelli Number 0
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank Not in dataset
Padgett Lineage Not in dataset
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 2476

Family Members (1 total)

Memorials (1 total)

S. Spirito cloister 99 Salvestro di Mico di Jacopo


  • [a] Rosselli included the tomb of Salvestro di Mico under his catch-all index heading "di Mico" for a group of unrelated memorials.
  • [b] Even though the family had no surname, their arms were on the tomb.