
Covoni, Cassandra di Giovanni di Benedetto di Giovanni di Niccolò (uxor Zanobi di Antonio Girolami)

Birth Family Covoni
Gender female
Age at Death 66
Database ID 1177

Life Dates

circa 1506
January 26th, 1572
January 27th, 1572

Memorials (3 total)

Badia 008 Cassandra Covoni Girolami 1566
January 27th, 1572
Badia 008 Cassandra Covoni Girolami 1566
by 1566 a
Badia 008 Cassandra Covoni Girolami 1566
circa 1566 (date is approximate)

Related Groups (1 total)

Girolami del Vescovo


  • [a] the tomb was ready to receive her grandson and son in 1566, but it is unclear when the decoration, which included her name, was completed