
Bonaccorsi, Stefano (messer) di Giovanni di Buonaccorso di Giovanni

Birth Family Bonaccorsi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 11841

Life Dates

circa 1351 (date is approximate) a

Memorials (2 total)

S. Spirito cloister 298 Stefano Bonaccorsi
circa 1430 (date is approximate) b
S. Spirito cloister 298 Stefano Bonaccorsi
likely 1380s or 1390s, certainly before 1427

Locations (2 total)

S. Felice in Piazza, Ferza, S. Spirito, Florence birth
circa 1351 (date is approximate) to before 1427
S. Ruffillo, Drago S. Giovanni, S. Giovanni, Florence residence
circa 1427 (date is approximate) to 1429


  • [a] stated age as 76 in 1427 catasto and again in 1429 for birth registration
  • [b] 76 in 1427 and 1429 catasto/birth records
  • [c] it is either him or his 16th century descendant Monsignor Stefano
  • [d] Priorista Mariani lists him and his brothers in this parish
  • [e] 1427 catasto and 1429 birth registration from this gonfalon