
Bonsi, Raffaello di Giovanni di Raffaello

Birth Family Bonsi
Gender male
Age at Death 95
Database ID 12568

Life Dates

November 10th, 1467 a
1562 b

Memorials (1 total)

Carmine 09a Cappella di S. Andrea
every August 19th from 1500 through 1770 c

Extended Family (2 total)

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Medici e Speziali
circa 1480 (date is approximate) to 1488 d

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Corp. Rel. Soppr. GF, 113, 13: Carmine, Libro de Padronati pp. 41
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 417365, 98633, 98635, 98602, 98636, 98603, 98604, 98637, 98638, 98605, 98606


  • [a] unless there is another two generations between him and the Raffaello who dies in 1562
  • [b] dies in Rome, last in line
  • [c] mother endows a mass every August 19th
  • [d] drawn for guild consul 9 times but too young to serve