1 of


del Pace, Orso di Rinieri

Birth Family del Pace
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14146

Life Dates

1365 to June 30th, 1407
before December 29th, 1412

Employments (1 total)

1393 to circa 1407 (date is approximate)

Posts (6 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
March 15th, 1395 to June 14th, 1395
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1398 to April 30th, 1398
Tre Maggiori
June 15th, 1400 to September 14th, 1400
Tre Maggiori
May 7th, 1401 to September 6th, 1401
Major Guild
September 1st, 1401 to December 31st, 1401
Tre Maggiori
May 1st, 1407 to June 30th, 1407

Memorials (1 total)

S. Jacopo soprarno 51 sepoltura Rinieri del Pace
before December 29th, 1412

Related Individuals (1 total)

Extended Family (1 total)

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte della Lana
1393 to circa 1407 (date is approximate)

Locations (1 total)

S. Jacopo Soprarno, Nicchio, S. Spirito, Florence residence

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, 252, Priorista Mariani V fol. 1264
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 89148, 122350, 89149, 89150, 89151, 122349, 89145, 89152, 320160, 89153, 89146, 89147


  • [a] The Priorista Mariani records that Orso matriculated in the Arte della Lana in 1393 as Orsus Ranieri Pacis.
  • [b] The tomb's inscription states that it was for the sons of Rinieri del Pace.
  • [c] Orso served this gonfalone and quarter in the Tre Maggiore, and his father installed a tomb for himself and his sons in this parish church.