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Scodellari, Domenico di Bartolino

Birth Family Scodellari
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14299

Life Dates

spring or summer 1400

Employments (1 total)

Cambiatore (money changer)
circa 1381 (date is approximate) to summer 1400

Posts (6 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1387 to February 28th, 1387
Tre Maggiori
December 22nd, 1388 to February 14th, 1389
Tre Maggiori
May 7th, 1392 to September 6th, 1392
Major Guild
May 1st, 1394 to August 31st, 1394
April 1st, 1397 to June 30th, 1397
Major Guild
May 1st, 1398 to August 31st, 1398

Memorials (1 total)

S. M. Maggiore 38 lastrone di Domenico di Bartolini Scodellari 1400
1400 to circa 1800 (date is approximate)

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte del Cambio
circa 1381 (date is approximate) to summer 1400

Locations (1 total)

S. Maria Maggiore, Drago S. Giovanni, S. Giovanni, Florence residence

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, 249, Priorista Mariani II fol. 326v-327
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 116191, 32296, 32295, 32302, 32303, 32414, 32301, 32300, 32297, 32298, 301184, 32299


  • [a] Domenico served this gonfalone in the Tre Maggiore and had a tomb in this parish church.