
Girolami del Vescovo, Zanobi di Bernardo di Filippo di Lippo di Spinello

Birth Family Girolami del Vescovo
Gender male
Age at Death 69
Database ID 2030

Life Dates

circa 1406 (date is approximate) a
September 1st, 1467, December 28th, 1475 or a day in between b

Posts (1 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
July 1st, 1467 to August 31st, 1467 c

Memorials (3 total)

S. Croce 057 Filippo Girolami 1328
S. Stefano 38 Zanobi di Bernardo Girolami
S. Stefano 38 Zanobi di Bernardo Girolami
October 23rd, 1475 (year is approximate)

Extended Family (22 total)

Children in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
First cousins
Third cousins
First cousins twice removed

Locations (1 total)

S. Stefano al Ponte (Carro), Carro, S. Croce, Florence residence
1427 e


  • [a] declares age 21 in 1427 catasto
  • [b] dead when drawn for 16 for S. Croce, Carro on December 29th, 1475, family tree looks like it says 23 October
  • [c] elected June 28th, 1467 for S. Croce
  • [d] most likely Zanobi to have inherited tomb given that Filippo was his grandfather
  • [e] catasto declares house near Palazzo della Parte Guelfa