1 of


Nelli, Antonio di S. Bartolomeo di S. Nello di Ghetto di Sinibaldo

Birth Family Nelli
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 3337

Life Dates

1404 to 1423
circa 1426

Employments (1 total)

Posts (12 total)

Office Government Date
Major Guild
September 3rd, 1407
Major Guild
April 16th, 1409
Major Guild
December 7th, 1410
Major Guild
August 16th, 1413
March 22nd, 1414
Major Guild
August 16th, 1415
Major Guild
August 16th, 1417
Major Guild
December 15th, 1417
Major Guild
August 16th, 1419
March 13th, 1421
Major Guild
April 15th, 1421
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1423

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Medici e Speziali

Locations (1 total)

Sources (2 total)