
Cecchi, Neri di Cecco di Vanni a


The Neri di Cieccho who took over a tomb in the north cemetery of Santa Croce may be the cartolaio who filed a catasto declaration with his son Francesco in 1427.

Birth Family Cecchi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 6105

Life Dates

circa 1358 (date is approximate)
circa 1358 (date is approximate) to 1427

Employments (1 total)

cartolaio (stationer, cartolarius)
circa 1378 (date is approximate) to 1427

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 113.1 Francesco de Rota 1330
circa 1390s (date is approximate)
S. Croce cemetery 113.2 Neri di Ciecco
from about the 1390s through the 1770s

Locations (1 total)

S. Lorenzo, Leon d'Oro, S. Giovanni, Florence

Sources (4 total)


  • [a] or Ciecco
  • [b] If the Neri di Cecco who acquired the Santa Croce cemetery tomb of Francesco da Ruota prior to 1439 is the cartolaio who lived in the parish of San Lorenzo in 1427, then he belongs to the Cecchi, or Cecchi del Cane, family.
  • [c] If the Neri di Cecco cartolaio is the same Neri di Cieccho tomb owner at Santa Croce, then he lived in this parish in 1427.