
Soderini, Tommaso di Lorenzo di Tommaso di Guccio di Stefano

Birth Family Soderini
Gender male
Age at Death 82
Database ID 7004

Life Dates

October 27th, 1485 a

Memorials (3 total)

Carmine 001b Altar maggiore
October 1485, prior to the 27th
Carmine 001b Altar maggiore
starting October 27th, 1486 annually on this date
Carmine 002 sepoltura Soderini di Tommaso di Guccio
October 27th, 1485

Extended Family (36 total)

Parents in law
Siblings in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Great grandchildren
Great great grandchildren
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Great great nieces and nephews
Third cousins
First cousins twice removed

Locations (1 total)

S. Frediano, Drago S. Spirito, S. Spirito, Florence residence


  • [a] Passerini says 1486
  • [b] Tommaso Soderini endowed daily masses at high altar as well as anniversary offices for his wife Dianora Tornabuoni on March 13th and for himself on October 27. The obligation was reduced in 1662 to fifty-four masses plus the two offices.
  • [c] Tommaso would have received a funeral mass on or just after his death on October 27th, 1485 after which he was remembered annually per the terms of his endowment, presumably through the suppression of the Carmine in 1808.