
Inscription #2142, S. Spirito cloister 227 Marco, Tommaso, Giovanni, and Benozzo

Diplomatic Transcription

S. Marcus, Tommasius, Joannes Bartoli Benozzius Bonsi [or Bensi] de ...... et descendenti ......

Critical Transcription

S(epulcrum) Marcus Tommasius Joannes Bartoli [et] Benozzius Bonsi de ...... [sibi] et descendenti(bus) [posuerunt]

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum Marcus Tommasius Joannes Bartoli [et] Benozzius Bonsi de ...... [sibi] et descendentibus [posuerunt]


Marco, Tommaso, and Giovanni di Bartolo and Benozzo di Bonso from the .... placed a tomb for themselves and for their descendants.

Memorial S. Spirito cloister 227 Marco, Tommaso, Giovanni, and Benozzo
Taken From manuscript
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
  • commissioner named
Database ID 2142