
Inscription #910, S. Croce 174 effigy tomb of Giovanni di Amerigo Benci

Diplomatic Transcription

Sep(ulcrum) Joannis Amerigi Bencii Mercatoris insignis filii patern(a)e pietatis memores faciendu(m) curarunt vix(it) annos LXV. menses sex. dies octo


The tomb of Giovanni, son of Amerigo of the Benci family, notable merchant, his sons, mindful of paternal piety, took care that it be made. He lived 65 years 6 months 8 days.

Memorial S. Croce 174 effigy tomb of Giovanni di Amerigo Benci
Taken From monument
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
  • family named
  • honoree named
  • occupation
  • restoration referenced
Database ID 910