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S. Maria Novella 639.1 cassone de Macci

Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation wall
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form wall tomb
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • cassone
Component Parts
  • coffin
  • arch
Decorative Elements
Database ID 11822

Inscriptions (1 total)

1150 De Maccis Of the Macci family

Individuals (6 total)

Macci, Gaio di Francesco
July 27th, 1360
Macci, Bindo (il giovane)
January 7th, 1373
Macci, Jacopo (pievano di S. Andrea a Cercina)
December 20th, 1376
Macci, Schiatta di Gualterone di Tignoso
May 1st, 1387
Macci, Giovanni di Vieri d
October 13th, 1387
Macci, Tignoso di Gualterone di Tignoso

Groups (1 total)


Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Maria Novella 639.2 Cassone de Rosati: e
S. Maria Novella 702 chiusino senza nulla:
S. Maria Novella 703 chiusino senza nulla:


  • [a] The arched coffin is in the compass east wall of the San Benedetto cloister.
  • [b] don Jacopo was buried wearing the Dominican habit
  • [c] Schiatta appears in the necrology of Santa Maria Novella with death date and parish in S. Bartolo
  • [d] Giovanni was buried wearing the habit of the Dominican Order.
  • [e] The sepoltuari note that the Rosati family took over the Macci tomb in 1564, placing their arms with a rampant lion holding a flowering staff above the arch and an inscription below, though it is unclear where. Neither of these elements is on the present tomb which may have been recut in the nineteenth century with the original, Macci family arms.