
Badia deposito drieto all'altare del Crocifixo

Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • deposito
Database ID 30831

Individuals (3 total)

Pandolfini, Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni
September 6th, 1497
Pandolfini, Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni a
Pandolfini, Francesco di Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo b
July 2nd, 1520

Related Memorials (1 total)

Badia 002 Cappella del Crocifisso


  • [a] The monastery's Book of the dead indicates that Pierfilippo was buried behind the altar of the northern presbytery chapel because the Pandolfini family tomb at the foot of the Badia's high altar was full.
  • [b] Rather than choosing his ancestral tomb, Francesco requested burial with his father, who had been placed in this auxiliary grave in 1497 because the family tomb was full.