
Carmine 026 Cappella della Passione de Nerli

Alternate Names

  • Cappella dei Frati
  • Sagrestia vecchia
Rosselli Number 26.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation W
Documented Types
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • tomb a
Decorative Elements
Database ID 51

Individuals (12 total)

Nerli, Goccio di Duccio
1371 b
Nerli, Goccio di Duccio
1371 to January 28th, 1771 c
Taddea di Petruccio (uxor figlio di Duccio Nerli)
1395 d
Taddea di Petruccio (uxor figlio di Duccio Nerli)
1395 to January 28th, 1771 e
Nerli, Albizzo di Azzolino (Provinziale della Toscana)
1396 to 1404 f
Nerli, Lisabetta di Bindo (uxor S. Stefano di Paolo Armaioli)
April 20th, 1430
Nerli, Rinaldo di Ballerino
1490 g
Nerli, Antonio di Francesco
1523 h
Nerli, Tanai di Piero di Tanai di Francesco di Filippo
1523 i
Nerli, Tommaso
1523 j
Abadinghi, Betta di Cione di Vanni (uxor Banco di Frosino da Verrazzano)
January 1568 to January 28th, 1771 k
Altoviti, Lisabetta di Bernardo (uxor Giovanni Battista di Piero Nerli)
August 9th, 1580 l

Groups (1 total)

1396 to January 28th, 1771

Related Memorials (3 total)

Carmine 026 Nerli chapel tomb 1:
Carmine 026 Nerli chapel tomb 2:
Carmine 026 Sepoltura dei Religiosi:


  • [a] two of them
  • [b] funds released at his death but chapel only begun in 1396
  • [c] daily masses to be said in his honor
  • [d] for daily masses in her honor
  • [e] farm in Settimo left to fund masses, though possibly only happened on May 17th annually plus a Requiem mass each month
  • [f] though funds willed in 1367 and available in 1371, only in 1396 did work get going on chapel thanks to this cousin of Goccio di Duccio
  • [g] sung mass every August 19th
  • [h] acted as one of the Nerli procurators for resolution of dispute over damaged chapel wall
  • [i] acted as one of the Nerli procurators for resolution of dispute over damaged chapel wall
  • [j] acted as one of the Nerli procurators for resolution of dispute over damaged chapel wall
  • [k] daily masses save Sundays plus feast of St. Michael on 8 May and subsequent day
  • [l] 25 ff. for annual masses in perpetuity within ottavo of Ognissanti, reduced in 1662