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Compagnia di San Giorgio

Heraldry Information

Under 1 silver shield head, in it 1 striding green dragon on the dividing line, in gold 1 natural colored left arm emerging from the right edge of the shield with 1 stigma on the hand crossed with 1 emerging from the left edge of the shield

Group Type
Affiliation confraternity
Database ID 989

Memorials (7 total)

S. Giorgio 12a Altare della Compagnia di S. Giorgio
circa 1459 (date is approximate) to circa 1808 (date is approximate)
S. Giorgio 12a Altare della Compagnia di S. Giorgio
1458 to 1459
S. Giorgio 12b chiusino della Compagnia 1
S. Giorgio 12c chiusino della Compagnia 2
S. Giorgio 12d chiusino della Compagnia 3
S. Giorgio relief of Saint George and the Dragon
1463 to present
S. Giorgio relief of Saint George and the Dragon