
Pacini da Castelfiorentino, Lapo di Piero di Pacino di Lapo

Alternate Forenames

  • Lapo di Pacino da Castello fiorentino
  • Lapo di Piero
  • Lapo di Piero di Pacino
Birth Family Pacini da Castelfiorentino
Gender male
Age at Death 73
Database ID 2685

Life Dates

circa 1379
October 24th, 1452

Posts (5 total)

Office Government Date
Minor Guild
August 15th, 1434
Minor Guild
April 16th, 1436
Minor Guild
April 15th, 1438
Minor Guild
May 2nd, 1440
Minor Guild
August 17th, 1442

Memorials (3 total)

Ospedale degli Innocenti 8.5 Lapo Pacini 1444
October 24th, 1452
Ospedale degli Innocenti 8.5 Lapo Pacini 1444
Ospedale degli Innocenti havelli communi
December 28th, 1551

Extended Family (1 total)

Related Groups (3 total)

Arte degli Albergatori c
Arte dei Linaioli e Rigattieri
Arte della Seta

Locations (1 total)

Sources (3 total)


  • [a] named on tombstone
  • [b] In late 1551, as Philip Gavitt first noted, the church tomb of Lapo Pacini was opened, his bones removed and reburied “in the grave of the loggia,” so that his personal sepulcher could be reused for the burial of Mona Gostanza di Landozzo degli Albizzi, a beloved foundling who grew up to be prioress of the Innocenti. She requested burial at the hospital next to her predecessor prioress Mona Agata. AOIF 5391, fol. 172v
  • [c] Senesi, 3