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Ospedale degli Innocenti havelli communi

Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Tomb Form round
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • chiusino a
  • avello
Component Parts
  • cover
Database ID 13250

Individuals (2 total)

Pacini da Castelfiorentino, Lapo di Piero di Pacino di Lapo
December 28th, 1551
Doffi, Dianora di Bernardo di S. Lodovico (uxor Lapo di Pacino Pacini)


  • [a] A drawing made in conjunction with hospital director Vincenzo Borghini’s project to build a passageway over Via della Colonna indicates that the loggia’s left-most arch contained four havelli comuni, or communal graves. AOIF, 3869
  • [b] In late 1551, as Philip Gavitt first noted, the church tomb of Lapo Pacini was opened, his bones removed and reburied “in the grave of the loggia,” so that his personal sepulcher could be reused for the burial of Mona Gostanza di Landozzo degli Albizzi, a beloved foundling who grew up to be prioress of the Innocenti. She requested burial at the hospital next to her predecessor prioress Mona Agata. AOIF 5391, fol. 172v
  • [c] if she was buried with her husband in the church, then her bones would have been moved to communal graves along with his