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Rustichelli, Francesco (messer) di M. Giovanni di Rustichello di Battagliere

Birth Family Rustichelli
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 5780

Life Dates

1331 to 1357 a

Employments (1 total)

giudice-99 (judge, iudex)

Posts (2 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
June 1341 to September 1341
Tre Maggiori
August 15th, 1342 to October 14th, 1342

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce crypt 144.1 M. Giovanni di Rustichello
in or after 1357

Locations (1 total)


  • [a] For documentation see Matursi.
  • [b] The tomb was dedicated by Francesco's father for himself and his sons, making Francesco's burial in it highly likely.
  • [c] The Carte Pucci tree seems to have included the lineage of M. Giovanni di Rustichello in error, confusing him with a family from Fiesole. We have followed the tree kept in Passerini.