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Canigiani, Giovanni Maria (don) di Odoardo di Simone di Antonio di Jacopo a

Alternate Forenames

  • Giovan Maria
  • Giovanmaria
Birth Family Canigiani
Gender male
Age at Death 60
Database ID 829

Life Dates

July 28th, 1481
November 20th, 1541

Employments (4 total)

vescovo (bishop, episcopus)
1540 to 1541
abate (abbot, abbas)
General of Order

Memorials (2 total)

S. Trinita 77 Don Giovanni Maria Canigiani
circa 1541 (date is approximate) to circa 1640 (date is approximate)
S. Verdiana 3 arme di vescovo Giovanni Maria Canigiani
circa 1540 (date is approximate) to 1808

Sources (3 total)


  • [a] Giovanni Maria was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Pistoia on 28 January 1540 and Titular Bishop of Hippo (Annaba, Algeria) on the same day. He was ordained as Bishop of Hippo on February 25th, 1540, but he died the following year.