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Alternate Names

  • Cambi da Castel Fiorentino
  • Cambi da Castelfiorentino
  • Cambi da castello di Querceto
  • Cambi Mercanti

Heraldry Information

Partito d'oro e di rosso, a due alberi (un pino e una quercia) sradicati al naturale (o di verde), decussati e attraversanti sulla partizione.

Group Type a
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1438
Year of Last Priorate 1530
Total Priorates Held 14
Ceramelli Number 1125
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank High Status
Padgett Rank Medici-era, 1434-1493
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage yes
Database ID 1106

Memorials (1 total)

S. Trinita 0 1465


  • [a] Molho lists only one Cambi lineage, but traces individuals living in three different quarters of the city. Litchfield distinguishes this group as the Cambi Mercanti who entered the priorate in 1437. Padgett distinguishes them as Cambi (unicorno). It remains unclear whether this group can be matched to either of the Cambi clans mentioned by Verino.