
popolo di S. Niccolò

Group Type
Affiliation parochial
Database ID 2238

Related Individuals (1 total)

Alamanni, Diotiguardi di Alamanno a

Related Groups (1 total)

olivetani di San Niccolò (religious)
1184 to 1374

Buildings (1 total)

S. Niccolò
from about 1115 b


  • [a] Passerini reports that Diotiguardi Alamanni was the sindaco of the parishes of San Niccolò and Santa Lucia de Magnoli and that he requested permission from the abbot of San Miniato al Monte for the right to bury the dead of the parishes of San Niccolò and Santa Lucia de Magnoli at the monastery.
  • [b] The church of San Niccolò Oltrarno was named as one of 36 parrocchie among the original 48 parishes established at the start of the commune.