The Ormanni were one of the forty families named by Dante in Paradiso 16.88-139 as great in his grandfather Cacciaguida's day, but by his time diminished: "per che non dee parer mirabil cosa / ciò ch'io dirò de li alti Fiorentini / onde è la fama nel tempo nascosa." (‘Then it should not seem strange or marvelous to you / to hear me talk of noble Florentines / whose fame is buried in the depth of time. Hollander trans.)
Group Type | |
Held One or More Priorates? | no |
Branded Magnate? | no |
Malespini Lineage | yes |
Dante Lineage | yes |
Villani Lineage | yes |
Molho Rank | Not Listed |
Padgett Rank | Not in dataset |
Padgett Lineage | Not in dataset |
Litchfield Lineage | no |
Database ID | 2481 |
Foraboschi (family) | 1433 |