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della Burella a

Heraldry Information

burellato d'azzurro e d'oro e ritto (palo) rosso (azure and gules confirmed in Rosselli, Or suggested by Martinuzzi and Salvadori, 2018, no. 1047d)

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? no
Ceramelli Number 1061
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank Not in dataset
Padgett Lineage Not in dataset
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 2564

Memorials (1 total)

S. Pier Maggiore 164 della Burella and Lastricati

Related Groups (1 total)

Lastricati (family) c

Sources (1 total)


  • [a] The family only appears in Rosselli's sepoltuario once in reference to a tomb co-owned with the Lastricati. Rosselli's description, which he annotated in a manner that has confused some copyists and readers, has led some to misidentify the arms of the Lastricati, which carried a split silver-and-blue shield with a red rampant dog as those of the della Burella. Riccardo Cappelli (Appendice: L'arme dei Lastricati) has persuasively that the arms with twelve alternating pieces (burellato) traversed by a red pole, belonged to the della Burella, a play on their surname.

    Martinuzzi, Alessandra, and Guido Salvadori. Stemmi di famiglie fiorentine dal XIII al XVIII secolo. 2 vols. Percorsi di storia 2. Zona industriale Settevene (VT): Press Up, 2018, p. 160, no. 1047.
  • [b] arms and inscription
  • [c] The two families shared a tomb in San Pier Maggiore, but it remains unclear whether or not they were related.
  • [d] assigns arms of Lastricati to della Burella