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Heraldry Information

D'azzurro, all'albero al naturale, fruttifero d'oro, nodrito su un monte di sei cime pure d'oro, e al cane slanciato d'argento, sostenuto dal monte e attraversante al tronco e guinzagliato di nero al tronco stesso.

Group Type a
Held One or More Priorates? no
Ceramelli Number 2705
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank Not in dataset
Padgett Lineage Not in dataset
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 2687

Memorials (1 total)

Carmine 059 Simone Lapini
1607 to January 28th, 1771 b

Related Groups (1 total)

Lapini (family) c


  • [a] had coat of arms
  • [b] possibly longer
  • [c] The Ceramelli Papiani family includes a tomb in Santa Maria Maggiore for Agnolo Lapini in a group with similar arms. The Lapini of Santa Maria Novella had a blue shield with a natural tree set on a six-peaked gold mount and a dog crossing the trunk. The Lapini in Santa Maria Maggiore however have no mount, a deer instead of a dog, and no color notes.