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no surname used

The oldest sepoltuario of Santa Croce identifies a tomb in its crypt, datable to ca. 1298, as belonging to Ser Feo and his brothers. Stefano Rosselli indexed the group as di S. Feo and described their coat of arms which have yet to be matched to a shield in the Ceramelli Papiani archive.

Alternate Names

  • Ser Feo
  • S. Feo

Heraldry Information

Leone o altro animale rampante, una croce nel petto, i.e.

A rampant lion (or other animal) with a cross on his chest, colors unknown

Group Type
Branded Magnate? frn
Malespini Lineage frn
Dante Lineage frn
Villani Lineage frn
Litchfield Lineage frn
Database ID 2989

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce crypt 001 Lapo, Bernardo, Ser Feo and their sons
circa 1298 (date is approximate) to circa 1934 (date is approximate)