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The Gualterotti were one of the forty families named by Dante in Paradiso 16.88-139 as great in his grandfather Cacciaguida's day, but by his time diminished: "per che non dee parer mirabil cosa / ciò ch'io dirò de li alti Fiorentini / onde è la fama nel tempo nascosa." (‘Then it should not seem strange or marvelous to you / to hear me talk of noble Florentines / whose fame is buried in the depth of time. Hollander trans.)

Alternate Names

  • Gualgerotti

Heraldry Information

1. Trinciato cuneato d'oro e d'azzurro, i.e.
Per bend indented azure and Or, i.e.
Divided by zigzag line into blue and gold

2. Idem, con lo scudetto rotondo del Popolo fiorentino posto nel cantone sinistro del capo, i.e.
Per bend indented azure and Or, in sinister chief an inescutcheon of the People of Florence, i.e.
Divided by zigzag line into blue and gold with a silver roundel carrying a red cross in the upper right

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1437
Year of Last Priorate 1531
Total Priorates Held 19
Ceramelli Number 2518
Branded Magnate? yes
Malespini Lineage yes
Dante Lineage yes
Villani Lineage yes
Molho Rank High Status
Padgett Rank Exmagnate
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 379

Related Groups (2 total)

Bardi (family)
Larioni (family)