D'argento, a tre libri chiusi e rovesciati di rosso, affibbiati d'oro, 2.1, i.e.
Silver with three closed books covered in red and gold clasps, two over one
Group Type | a |
Held One or More Priorates? | yes |
Year of First Priorate | 1531 |
Year of Last Priorate | 1531 |
Total Priorates Held | 1 |
Ceramelli Number | 2763 |
Branded Magnate? | no |
Malespini Lineage | no |
Dante Lineage | no |
Villani Lineage | no |
Molho Rank | Some Status |
Padgett Rank | Not before 1494 |
Padgett Lineage | yes |
Litchfield Lineage | yes |
Database ID | 396 |
ASF, Ceramelli Papiani Online | fasc. 2763 |
U. Verino, De illustratione urbis Florentiae, Carlo Strozzi ed. | pp. 103 |
R. B. Litchfield, Emergence of a Bureaucracy | pp. 374 |
J. Padgett, Open Elite? | app. p. 15 |