Some commentators have interpreted Dante's Paradiso 16.126 (che si nomava da quei de la Pera) to refer to the Peruzzi family. However, Giovanni Villani, and a good number of Dante commentators, have warned against conflating the two, distinct groups. The la Pera or Peruzza family had declined to the point of obscurity by the time of Dante while the Peruzzi were a powerful clan of bankers and traders. We follow Villani and thus do not include the Peruzzi among the families named or referenced by Dante.
Heraldry Information
1. D'azzurro, a sei pere d'oro, picciolate e fogliate di due pezzi di verde, 3.2.1.
2. D'azzurro, a tre pere d'oro, picciolate e fogliate dello stesso, 2.1.
3. Di..., a quattordici pere di...,
4. D'azzurro, a otto pere di...,
Group Type
groups related by blood, marriage, and/or adoption
[a] Palazzi follows those commentators who believe that Dante's reference to "quei de la Pera" indicates the Peruzzi family. We follow Giovanni Villani in that they are separate.