Azure, three chevronels chevronny or and gules (Wills does not blazon the balls or besants)
Blue, with three staggered small chevrons, or inverted V-shapes, of red and gold, each surmounted by a gold ball)
D'azzurro, a tre scaglioni scaglionati di rosso e d'oro, ciascuno cimato da una palla pure d'oro.
Group Type | a |
Held One or More Priorates? | yes |
Year of First Priorate | 1424 |
Year of Last Priorate | 1525 |
Total Priorates Held | 24 |
Ceramelli Number | 4529 |
Branded Magnate? | no |
Malespini Lineage | no |
Dante Lineage | no |
Villani Lineage | no |
Molho Rank | Not Listed |
Padgett Rank | New-new men, 1378-1433 |
Padgett Lineage | yes |
Litchfield Lineage | yes |
Database ID | 788 |
ASF, Ceramelli Papiani Online | fasc. 4529 |
J. Najemy, Corporatism and Consensus | pp. 331 |
ASF, Manoscritti, 253, Priorista Mariani VI | fol. 1329v-1331 |