S. Croce 110 1439 |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Croce 117 1439 |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Croce 144 1400 |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Croce crypt 268.1 Agnolo Arrighi 1332 |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Marco 055 Giovanni Arrighi and Marietta Berti |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Miniato 04 Cappella dei Arrighi e Gabadei |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Procolo 08 Pulpito di Legno |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Procolo 09 fresco de Arrighi e Martelli |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Procolo 11 Arrighi arms |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Procolo 12 Altare degl’Arrighi |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Procolo 12 sepultura de'Arrighi |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records
S. Spirito cloister 111 Arrighi |
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
information found in sepoltuario, tomb inscription, burial, and/or other records