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Betti, Bartolo di Betto (bicchieraio da Scandicci)

Birth Family Betti
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 11390

Life Dates

1378 to 1398
on a day between 1400 and December 14th, 1402 a

Employments (2 total)

bicchieraio (glass-maker; dish maker, bicchierarius) b
stovigliaio; stoviglaio (earthenware dealer; dish maker; manufacturer and vendor of utensils, stovigliarius) c

Posts (5 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
December 29th, 1379 d
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1384 to April 30th, 1384 e
Tre Maggiori
December 12th, 1388 f
Minor Guild
May 1st, 1398 to August 31st, 1398 g
Tre Maggiori
December 28th, 1398 h

Memorials (1 total)

S. Spirito cloister 123 Bartolo bicchieraio

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Oliandoli e Pizzicagnoli

Locations (1 total)

Nicchio, S. Spirito, Florence

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 33
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 14110, 114054, 14111, 14117, 14118, 14119, 14112, 14113, 14114, 14115, 14116, 14120


  • [a] dead when drawn for guild consul on 1402-12-14 from 1398 purse; elected guild consul 1398-04-21 and served full term through 1398-08-31; still living in 1400 when a new purse is created
  • [b] all tratte name slips save two give his occupation as bicchierarius
  • [c] named as such in one tratte name slip from 1400 purse, drawn in 1428 after his death
  • [d] elected from 1378 purse for S. Spirito, Nicchio
  • [e] elected 1384-02-27 from 1381 purse for S. Spirito
  • [f] elected from 1381 purse for S. Spirito
  • [g] elected 1398-04-21 from August 1394 purse
  • [h] elected from 1381 purse for S. Spirito, Nicchio
  • [i] inscription
  • [j] elected to several offices from this quarter and gonfalon