together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
Gonfaloniere di Compagnia (Advisory Councilor, Sixteen)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Gonfalonieri di Compagnia discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
19 Gonfalonieri di Compagnia (the standard bearers of the urban militia--four from the Sestiere of Oltrarno and three from each of the remaining Sestieri--from ca. 1304-06)
after 1343 number of Gonfalonieri di Compagnia was reduced from 19 to 16, one from each of the four Gonfaloni in each of the four quarters
Gonfaloniere di Compagnia (Advisory Councilor, Sixteen)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Gonfalonieri di Compagnia discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
19 Gonfalonieri di Compagnia (the standard bearers of the urban militia--four from the Sestiere of Oltrarno and three from each of the remaining Sestieri--from ca. 1304-06)
after 1343 number of Gonfalonieri di Compagnia was reduced from 19 to 16, one from each of the four Gonfaloni in each of the four quarters
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere