
Rossi, Alessandro di Raffaello di Bartolomeo di Raffaello di Bartolomeo

Birth Family Rossi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 11673

Life Dates

October 13th, 1659 a

Memorials (4 total)

Carmine 008 Benedetto Serbaldesi
June 13th, 1648
Carmine 008 Cappella di S. Angelo martire de Rossi
June 13th, 1648 to October 13th, 1659
Carmine 008 Rossi tomb
June 13th, 1648 to October 13th, 1659
Carmine 008 Rossi tomb
October 13th, 1659 b


  • [a] dies without heirs
  • [b] died without heirs