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Ginori, Carlo di Lionardo di Francesco di Piero di Francesco

Birth Family Ginori
Gender male
Age at Death 54
Database ID 12185

Life Dates

February 9th, 1473
September 1527 a

Memorials (1 total)

S. Lorenzo 002 Cappella de Ginori di S. Giuseppe
1523 b

Locations (2 total)

Lucca, Italy
July 1527 to September 1527
S. Lorenzo, Leon d'Oro, S. Giovanni, Florence
February 9th, 1473 to July 1527

Sources (1 total)

Dizionario biografico degli Italiani vol. 55 (2001), Ginori, Carlo by Vanna Arrighi


  • [a] died in Lucca at end of month, buried in S. Romano
  • [b] Betrothal of the Virgin by Rosso Fiorentino