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Albizzi, Lisa di M. Maso di Luca di Filippo di Lando (uxor M. Biagio Guasconi, poi Pinzochera)

Alternate Forenames

  • Luisa
Birth Family Albizzi
Gender female
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 1262

Life Dates

August 17th, 1439

Employments (1 total)

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce 055 deposito di mona Lisa pinzochera degl'Albizzi

Extended Family (42 total)

Half siblings
Parents in law
Siblings in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Second cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Locations (1 total)

S. Pier Maggiore, Chiavi, S. Giovanni, Florence