
Alberighi del Nicchio, Domenico di Antonio (materassaio al Ponte alla Carraia)

Birth Family Alberighi del Nicchio
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 12983

Life Dates

1582 to 1594

Employments (1 total)

Materassaio (Mattress maker, bed maker)
1580s to 1590s

Memorials (3 total)

Carmine 042 Domenico e Pieragnolo Alberighi
1594 to January 28th, 1771
Carmine 042 Porta al andito
Carmine 103.1 Domenico and Pieragnolo Alberighi
1582 to 1674 a

Related Individuals (1 total)

Extended Family (1 total)

Locations (1 total)

Nicchio, S. Spirito, Florence


  • [a] Rosselli says 1582; Padronati, 1542