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Capponi, Simonetta di Jacopo (uxor Cav. Lionardo Baldovini)

Birth Family Capponi
Gender female
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14026

Life Dates

July 22nd, 1591, April 24th, 1593 or a day in between
April 25th, 1593

Memorials (1 total)

Badia 080 Baldovini
April 25th, 1593

Related Groups (1 total)

Baldovini a


  • [a] Simonetta di Jacopo Capponi was Cav. Lionardo Baldovini's second wife, but they could not have been married much more than twelve to eighteen months since his first wife died on July 21st, 1591 and Simonetta died on April 25th, 1593.