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del Milanese, Giovanni Battista (monsignor) (vescovo e spedalingo)

Alternate Forenames

  • Giambattista
Birth Family del Milanese
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14036

Life Dates

1562 to 1577
Maybe December 14th, 1577 (date is uncertain) a

Employments (2 total)

vescovo (bishop, episcopus)

Memorials (1 total)

S. Egidio 05 Altare del Milanese

Sources (2 total)

D. M. Cheney, Catholic-Hierarchy https://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/bishop/bmilanese.html
ASF, Manoscritti, 625, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 1337


  • [a] Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3, page 236, cited by David M. Cheney, “Catholic-Hierarchy,” March 16, 2013. https://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/bishop/bmilanese.html, gives this date of death. A plaque in Sant'Egidio suggests he was still alive in 1592.