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Ramaglianti, Cigolo

Birth Family Ramaglianti
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14180

Memorials (1 total)

S. Jacopo soprarno 79 arms of the sons of Cigolo

Locations (2 total)

S. Jacopo Soprarno, Nicchio, Oltrarno, Florence
S. Jacopo Soprarno, Nicchio, S. Spirito, Florence


  • [a] Given his tomb in the cloister of this parish church and the nearby chiasso de Rammaglianti, it is likely that Cigolo lived in this parish if he was alive prior to August 10th, 1343.
  • [b] Since we do not know the dates of Cigolo's life span, it is difficult to know whether he lived under the sesto or quartiere system, or both.