
Destefanis, Bonifatio (vescovo) (OFM)


Born and died in Croatia, Bishop Boniface of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), was in Florence in 1568 at which time he consecrated the Franciscan convent of Santa Chiara, himself an Observant Franciscan Friar. He was certainly in Italy for the Council of Trent in the 1550s and 1564, at Rome in 1580 to report on his visitations in Eastern Europe, and thus it is not surprising that he also would have visited Franciscan houses in Italy as well. He was the author of Liber de perenni cultu Terrae Sanctae et de fructuosa eius peregrinatione and Liber de ortu clericorum in ecclesia both published in Venice.

For more on the Fra Bonifacio de Stephanis see Tanja Trška, “Una processione da farsi ogni anno con una Messa Solenne. Reception of Stone Relics from the Holy Land in Renaissance Ragusa.” In Natural Materials of the Holy Land and the Visual Translation of Place, 500-1500, edited by Renana Bartal, Neta Bodner, and Bianca Kuhnel, 79–93. London, New York: Routledge, 2017, esp. p. 81.

Alternate Forenames

  • Boniface of Ragusa
  • Bonifacije
  • Bonifazio
Birth Family Destefanis
Gender male
Age at Death 82
Database ID 14209

Life Dates

1500 or 1504
February 6th, 1582

Employments (2 total)

vescovo (bishop, episcopus)
November 17th, 1564 to February 6th, 1582

Memorials (2 total)

S. Chiara 01a Cappella et Altare Maggiore de Borgianni
S. Chiara 11 cartella
1568 to 1808

Locations (4 total)

Lopud, Dalmatia, Croatia birth
1500 or 1504
Ragusa, Dalmatia, Croatia
circa 1520 (date is approximate) to 1543
Stagno, Dalmatia, Croatia
November 17th, 1564 (year is approximate) to January 1582 (year is approximate)
Timişoara, Romania death
February 6th, 1582

Sources (3 total)

D. M. Cheney, Catholic-Hierarchy rec.
ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) rec. 166, no. 11
WikiData rec. Q892558


  • [a] Though he traveled widely in the Holy Land and Italy, Fra Bonifacio was named Bishop of Ston in 1564.