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Carnesecchi, Bernardo di Cristoforo di Berto di Grazzino di Durante


Given that his father Cristoforo (Cristofano) and uncle Zanobi died about two decades prior to the date on their tomb in Santa Maria Maggiore, it seems likely that Bernardo commissioned the monument together with his cousins Berto and Manetto di Zanobi Carnesecchi. Interestingly, they asked the stone carver to use Gothic style lettering, perhaps out of the desire to make the monument look older than it was, even as it carried the date 1436.

Birth Family Carnesecchi
Gender male
Age at Death 54
Database ID 14304

Life Dates

December 18th, 1398
before April 27th, 1453

Posts (5 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
March 15th, 1436 to June 14th, 1436
Major Guild
May 1st, 1438 to August 31st, 1438
April 1st, 1443 to June 30th, 1443
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1448 to February 28th, 1448
Tre Maggiori
September 1st, 1451 to October 31st, 1451

Memorials (1 total)

S. M. Maggiore 43 lastrone di Zanobi e Cristoforo Carnesecchi 1436
circa 1435 (date is approximate) to circa 1436 (date is approximate)

Locations (1 total)

S. Maria Maggiore, Drago S. Giovanni, S. Giovanni, Florence

Sources (1 total)

D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 403718, 21857, 21860, 21854, 21861, 21862, 114768, 114769, 21858, 403716, 304913, 305393, 21859, 21863, 21864


  • [a] Bernardo served this gonfalone in the Tre maggiori and declared his household in this parish where his family had numerous memorials in the parish church.