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Fagiolari, Perso di Filippo

Alternate Forenames

  • Persio
  • Persus
Birth Family Fagiolari
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14441

Life Dates

1289 to 1319

Posts (1 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
February 15th, 1319 to April 14th, 1319

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cemetery 015 Perso, Aldobrandino, and Gherardo Fagiolari
until the 1440s

Locations (1 total)

S. Remigio, Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence


  • [a] Perso served the sesto S. Pier Scheraggio as prior and his relative Dinello lived in this parish in 1260.