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Benvenuti, Francesco di Bartolino di Chiaro di Benvenuto (Bartolini)


Francesco di Bartolino Benvenuti was the first member of his family (known after 1379 as the Nobili) to serve in the priorate in 1355 and 1359 (1358 o.s.). He is listed as Franciscus Bartolini in the Priorista Mariani. He added his grandfather's name and Benvenuti surname to the inscription on the base of the water font he sponsored at Santa Croce.

Birth Family Benvenuti
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14686

Life Dates

1351 to February 24th, 1367 a
February 24th, 1367 b

Posts (3 total)

Office Government Date
c Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1354 to January 6th, 1355
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1359 to April 30th, 1359
Tre Maggiori
September 15th, 1361 to December 14th, 1361

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce church 104.1a tomb of Francesco d'Antonio Benvenuti
February 24th, 1367
S. Croce church 104.1b holy water font of Francesco di Bartolino di Chiaro de Benvenuti
circa 1350s (date is approximate) to circa 1600 (date is approximate) e

Locations (1 total)

S. Maria Sopraporta, Vipera, S. Maria Novella, Florence
circa 1351 (date is approximate) to February 24th, 1367

Sources (4 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, 251, Priorista Mariani IV fol. 805 (Nobili)
ASF, Manoscritti, 519, Carte Mariani Dei vol. III, ins. 27 (Nobili)
ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Pucci vol. 599, ins. 34 (Nobili)
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 318155, 116975, 318788, 39248, 116976, 39249


  • [a] Francesco di Bartolino seems to have had his name placed in the 1351 election purse with neither surname nor occupation, as verified in the Priorista Mariani list of Nobili family priors. He is likely the Francesco di Bartolino lanaiuolus named in the 1363 purse from which he was drawn only after his death in 1373
  • [b] The Carte Pucci report Francesco's death in 1367 with the day and month added in different ink. It is not clear whether he was using the old style Florentine calendar or the modern calendar.
  • [c] Francesco Bartolini was elected on August 28th, 1354 to represent the Vipera district.
  • [d] Given that Francesco di Bartolino commissioned the water font above the Benvenuti-Nobili tomb, it is likely that he was buried in the tomb below that carried his first cousin's name. Moreover, Francesco di Bartolino's grandsons were heirs to the tomb in the early fifteenth century.
  • [e] The 1596 sepoltuario describes the inscription at the base of the water font as ruined, able to make out only the honoree's patronyms and surname, but a second inscription above on the basin named "the below written Francesco." In 1615, only a coat of arms is mentioned by Francesco della Foresta, and in 1652 Stefano Rosselli descrbied the font as broken.
  • [f] Francesco di Bartolino served this district in the Tre Maggiori, and his family had monuments in this parish church.