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Niccolini Sirigatti, Niccolò (ser) di S. Piero di Guccio di Lucchese di Arrigo (da Passignano)

Birth Family Niccolini Sirigatti
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14703

Life Dates

December 9th, 1405

Employments (1 total)

June 26th, 1347 to June 18th, 1355

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce crypt Niccolino di Ruzza and Guccio di Lucchese de' Sirigatti
December 9th, 1405


  • [a] The memory book of Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini and his sons records the death of ser Niccolò "nostro constorto" and burial in Santa Croce.