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Berti Rinieri, Alberto di Zanobi di Berto di Rinieri di Arrigo

Birth Family Berti Rinieri
Gender male
Age at Death 66
Database ID 1732

Life Dates

circa 1355
circa 1421

Employments (1 total)

Posts (7 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
December 29th, 1400
Tre Maggiori
April 28th, 1402
Tre Maggiori
December 12th, 1403
Major Guild
April 16th, 1411
Tre Maggiori
June 12th, 1412
Tre Maggiori
April 28th, 1414
Tre Maggiori
October 29th, 1418

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce 145 Alberto di Zanobi di Berto1421
1421 to present
S. Croce cemetery 023 Berto di Rinieri
circa 1373 (date is approximate) to circa 1421 (date is approximate) a

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte della Lana
1369 to circa 1421 (date is approximate)

Locations (2 total)

S. Jacopo tra le Fosse, Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence birth
circa 1355 (date is approximate) to 1402
S. Remigio, Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence
1402 to circa 1421 (date is approximate)


  • [a] The 1439 sepoltuario notes that Berto di Rinieri's tomb had passed to his grandson Alberto. His son Zanobi died around 1365 when Alberto was about ten years old. Despite the inheritance, Alberto had his own tomb in the church of Santa Croce.