Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 16th, 1398
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
April 13th, 1401
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 14th, 1402
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
August 7th, 1404
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 14th, 1407
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
September 13th, 1409
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 15th, 1411
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
August 17th, 1413
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 16th, 1415
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
August 16th, 1417
Gonfaloniere di Compagnia (Advisory Councilor, Sixteen)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Gonfalonieri di Compagnia discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
19 Gonfalonieri di Compagnia (the standard bearers of the urban militia--four from the Sestiere of Oltrarno and three from each of the remaining Sestieri--from ca. 1304-06)
after 1343 number of Gonfalonieri di Compagnia was reduced from 19 to 16, one from each of the four Gonfaloni in each of the four quarters
Online Tratte Code: 16
Tre Maggiori
September 21st, 1417
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
April 15th, 1419
Priore (Prior)
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
Online Tratte Code: 8
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1420
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 15th, 1420
Buonuomo (Advisory Councilor, Twelve)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Buonuomini discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
after 1321 were 12 -- 2/sestiere
Online Tratte Code: 12
Tre Maggiori
March 12th, 1425
Priore (Prior)
together with Gonfaloniere di Giustizia were called the "Signoria" assisted by a notary; Legislation was initiated by the Signoria
June 1282: 3 priors
August 1282: 6 priors, 1/sestiere
1343: 8 priors, 2/quartiere
Online Tratte Code: 8
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1428
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
August 16th, 1430
Buonuomo (Advisory Councilor, Twelve)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Buonuomini discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
after 1321 were 12 -- 2/sestiere
Online Tratte Code: 12
Tre Maggiori
June 12th, 1432
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 17th, 1432
Gonfaloniere di Compagnia (Advisory Councilor, Sixteen)
one of two advisory councils (Collegi): the Gonfalonieri di Compagnia discussed legislation in consultation with Signoria
19 Gonfalonieri di Compagnia (the standard bearers of the urban militia--four from the Sestiere of Oltrarno and three from each of the remaining Sestieri--from ca. 1304-06)
after 1343 number of Gonfalonieri di Compagnia was reduced from 19 to 16, one from each of the four Gonfaloni in each of the four quarters
Online Tratte Code: 16
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1433
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
Online Tratte Code: 29
Minor Guild
December 15th, 1434
Arte dei Calzolai (Guild Consul, Shoemakers)
Consuls served four-month terms starting January, May, or September; magistracy had six consuls
individual has matriculated, joined, or been named to this group, including one who has joined a monastery, friary, or convent as a member or third order