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del Cece, Bartolo di Michele di Bartolo di Cece


Bartolo di Michele di Bartolo di Cece was registered in 1429 with a birth date of July 15th, 1407 from the Bue district of the Santa Croce quarter. His name was seen in 1430, 1431, and 1432, but he was still too young to be seated. He then disappears from the record, suggesting an early death or move away from the city.

Birth Family del Cece
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2047

Life Dates

July 15th, 1407

Employments (1 total)

1430 to 1432

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cemetery 066 Cecino di Guidone Cece
by 1439

Locations (1 total)

Bue, S. Croce, Florence birth

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 a vol. 72, fol. 267v
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 402440, 14326, 14325, 14327


  • [a] Though the 1427 catasto and 1429 birth registrations give slightly different birth years for Bartolo di Michele di Bartolo (1410 and 1407 respectively), the seventeen-year-old living with his widowed mother could be the member of the del Cece family who inherited their family tomb in Santa Croce's north cemetery.