
Piero di Gherardo di Lapo


The Santa Croce sepoltuari do not make clear whether Piero di Gherardo was a member of the Guadagni family, the cemetery tomb's first owners, the Calandri, who had taken possession at some time prior to 1439, or another group.

Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2088

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 123.1 Neri Guadagni
by 1439
S. Croce cemetery 123.2 Calandri
by 1439

Related Groups (2 total)

Calandri a
Guadagni b


  • [a] Piero di Gherardo di Lapo may have been a Calandri.
  • [b] Piero di Gherardo di Lapo may have been a Guadagni.