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Morozzi, Nofri di Giovanni

Birth Family Morozzi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2153

Life Dates

before 1427

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 039.1 Guadagno Compagni
before 1427
S. Croce cemetery 039.2 Nofri di Giovanni Morozzi
before 1427

Locations (3 total)

Ruote, S. Croce, Florence
S. Ambrogio, Chiavi, S. Giovanni, Florence
S. Maria Novella, Leon Bianco, S. Maria Novella, Florence

Sources (3 total)


  • [a] The sepoltuari make clear that the Morozzi coat of arms was added to the tomb taken over by Nofri di Giovanni, but it remains vague whether a new inscription was commissioned as well. Moreover, it may have been Nofri's heirs who refurbished the memorial after their father took possession.
  • [b] Though they lived in a rental house in the parish of Sant'Ambrogio in San Giovanni Chiavi, Nofri's sons and widow filed their 1427 catasto declaration from Santa Croce, Ruote, suggesting that Nofri lived there at some point.
  • [c] Nofri's widow and children were living in a rented house in via Ghibelina in the parish of Sant'Ambrogio in 1427. It is possible that he had started the lease and lived there as well, but more evidence is needed.
  • [d] Nofri's sons and widow declared a house in via Valfonda (Gualfonda) in the parish of Santa Maria Novella in their 1427 catasto declaration, which suggests that he had lived there at some point.